


これらのダニの中には、最もよく見られるのが耳ダニ症ですが、人と動物の間で密接に連絡を取って飛び移ることもあります。 だから、彼らは非常に伝染し、迅速に広がっています。

耳ダニは、動物にとってと同様に、人間にとっても厄介な存在です。 耳にダニがいる場合、次のような症状があります。

Symptoms of Ear Mites in Humans

  • Itching
  • ear irritation
  • Redness of the ears
  • Demodectic Frost (in cases the ear mite is Demodex)

Demodex Ear Mites in Humans

Because Demodex is so fond of fat, the ear canal and its surroundings are an excellent place to celebrate.

One of the symptoms of Demodex in the ear is called ‘Demodectic Frost’. In this condition, the ear lobe and its upper part looks frostbitten, thick, and scaly. Like other ear mites, itching is one of the most annoying symptoms of Demodex ear infection.

Can Ungex Help With This?

Wherever there is a Demodex problem, Ungex is one of the best ways to solve it.

The Ungex SDT and PDT products can be used on the external ear area.



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