$4.1/$4.0/$4.1/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.0/$4.050 FUE per graft
$6 to $11 FUE per graft
You pay for hair, not high-cost advertising or commission-earning sales staff
High overhead (fancy office space)
Pricing is by graft. Each graft consists of 1 to 3 hair follicles.
Pricing may be by follicle.
No hidden costs or fees, no tricks, no gimmicks
Could pay additional for meds, supplies, facility, royalty, and other costs.
Consistent prices due to low overhead and high patient demand
Baked-in expenses for outsourced staff and multiple office locations
When comparing your options, it is important to look at those factors which increase cost, but do not enhance quality. In particular, the high overhead items that add to your costs.
But, when it comes to your hair and psychological well-being, we can all agree that cost isn’t the only factor.
例えば、単毛グラフトで1,000本の毛を使うと、1,000グラフトになります。 しかし、1つのグラフトに2つの毛包があるクラスターを使った1,000グラフトでは、2,000本の毛が植えつけられることになるのです。 That’s twice the fullness per area!
In another example, Surgeon A may transplant 1,000 single-follicle grafts at a cost of $5000. Whereas Surgeon B may transplant 1,000 multi-follicle grafts for $5000. The chart below breaks down the unit cost for both of these examples.
Follicular Unit Cost: An Example
Surgeon A
Surgeon B
1,000 single-follicle grafts
1,000 multi-follicle grafts
Total cost – $5000
Total cost – $5000
Unit cost – $5
Unit cost – $5
Cost per follicle – $5
Cost per follicle – $2.50 (or less)
The total number of grafts can be the same, but the amount of hair can be much less. In other words, you pay more for much less work!