CanvaAn effective distribution network creates a strong competitive advantage for a business. Ethan Allen, John Deere, and Snap-on tools have one common feature in their marketing strategy. Each has a well-developed distribution channel that contributes to the company’s performance.
Ethan Allen has a selected network of independent retail dealers. John Deere has a strong worldwide group of farm equipment dealers.
Snap-on Tools independent dealers in a van provide a close link with customers. They get supplier feedback to guide product improvement, assist customers in tool selection, and expand sales every year.
Distribution Functions
A channel of distribution is a network of organizations and functions connecting the producer to the end-users. The distribution channel consists of interdependent and interrelated institutions.
For example, hospitals, ambulance services, physicians, test laboratories, insurance companies, and drugstores constitute a channel of distribution for health care services.
The basic channels of distribution for consumer and industrial products are shown in Exhibit 1.
In addition to the primary types of intermediaries shown, a variety of facilitating organizations functions as channel specialists. The specialist includes financial institutions, transportation firms, advertising agencies, and insurance firms.
Marketing Automation Guide
Could your marketing efforts use a little kick? Are you looking to capture more leads, convert them to sales, and score more revenue? It’s time to get in the game with marketing automation.
Several functions are performed in moving products from producer to end-users. These include the following:
- Buying and selling
- Assembly
- Transportation
- Financing
- Processing and storage
- Advertising and sales promotion
- Pricing
- Risk
- Communication between channel members
- Service and repair
Buying and selling activities by product intermediaries are necessary to reduce the number of transactions for producers and then users.
The functions needed and the organizations to be responsible for each function are major factors in your channel distribution strategy.
When initially selecting a channel of distribution for a new product, the pricing strategy and desired positioning of the product may influence the choice of the channel. Distribution channel strategies can become complicated quickly.
Have you ever heard of Occam’s razor?
オッカムのカミソリ (ラテン語: novacula Occami) とは、「必要なしにエンティティを増殖させてはならない」という問題解決の原則です。
これらの 9 つのマーケティング予算テンプレートを今日手に入れましょう。
これらの活動は、相互に関連する部分の調整されたシステムとして管理されます。 目標は、合理的なコストで経営者が望むレベルの顧客サービスを提供するトータルシステムを設計し、管理することである。
メーカーから見た流通戦略には、次のようなものがあります。 戦略的な問題の多くは、卸売または小売の流通チャネルにおけるどのレベルの企業にも当てはまります。
メーカーは、会社の営業部隊を通じて直接エンドユーザーに向かうか、マーケティング仲介業者を通じてサービスを提供しユーザーに届けるかの選択肢がある点が特徴的です。 流通の意思決定に影響を与えるのは、買い手の考慮事項、製品の特性、財務および管理要因です。
Manufacturers have three distribution alternatives:
- Direct channels
- Indirect channels
- Both
Increasingly, manufacturers are using multiple channels.
Product Characteristics
Complex products and services often require close contact between customers in the producer. They may have to provide application assistance, service, and other supporting activities.
And some industries qualified marketing intermediaries may not be available, given the complexity of the product and the requirements of the customer.
Direct contact with the end-user encourages feedback to the manufacturer about a new product’s needs, problems, and other concerns. Manufacturers must consider product characteristics in deciding whether to use a direct or indirect distribution channel strategy.
Financial and Control Considerations and Your Distribution Strategy
Some producers do not have the necessary financial resources to serve there and users. Others are unwilling to make large investments and field sales and service facilities.
Management must decide if resources are available. そして、もし利用可能であれば、エンドユーザーへの直接販売が資源の最良の使用であるかどうか。
コストと利益を見積もる必要があります。 直接販売は、メーカーに流通戦略のコントロールを与えます。
デジタル マーケティングによって製造会社がいかに成長できるかを学ぶ
会社の財源や能力も重要かもしれません。 エンドユーザーへの配慮、製品の特性、財務および管理上の配慮から、ビジネスおよび工業製品の生産者は、消費者製品の生産者よりも、エンドユーザーへの会社の流通を利用する可能性が高くなります。
これは、会社の営業所と現場の販売部隊のネットワークによって達成される場合があります。 Or by a vertically integrated distribution system owned by the manufacturer.
A producer may use an independent middleman to avoid consuming financial resources and to gain the benefits of the experience and skills of independent channel organizations.
Wrap Up about Distribution Strategy
Your distribution strategy is critical for success in reaching your end-users. The channel of distribution connects the producer with the end-user of the company’s goods or services.
One or more levels of the channel may link the user and the producer. 強力なチャネルネットワークは、競争上の優位性を獲得するための重要な手段です。